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PHC 6702 – Exposure measurement and assessment
A course for students pursuing a Master’s of Public Health degree, emphasizing hands-on calculation of exposures, for epidemiology, risk assessment and regulatory compliance. Lectures material below. Class exercises and assignments not included.
Syllabus. 1. Introduction 2. Variability and uncertainty 3. Design of exposure studies 4. Direct and indirect methods 5. Time-activity data 6. Mathematical modeling 7. Occupational exposures 8. Children’s exposures 9. Inhalation exposures 8. Ingestion exposures 9. Dust 10. Dermal exposures 11. Physical agents 12. Microbiological agents
PHC6313 – Environmental Health Concepts in Public Health
An introduction to environmental health for students pursuing a Master’s of Public Health degree. This class was taught in both classroom and online formats.
Materials to be posted
Other lectures
Introduction to environmental health, for pre-med students
Environmental health perspective -Past, Present & Future. A seminar introduction for doctoral epidemiology students
Multiple stressors. Frameworks for considering the health effects and risks of multiple agents